Accessories and Attachments

Auto De Coilar

Model ADC 050 ADC 100  ADC 250 ADC 500 ADC 750 ADC 1000 ADC 2000
Max.Wire size 0.15 1.5 2 2.5 5 8 10
Max. capacity 50 Kgs 100Kgs 250Kgs 500Kgs 750Kgs 1000Kgs 2000Kgs
Max. speed RPM 190 100 70 58 48 30 20
Tray size 600 900 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
Motor power 0.18kw 0.35kw 0.75 kw 1.5 kw 2.3 kw 3.7 kw   5.0 kw
Gear box size Box 50  Box 50  Box 63 Box 75 Box 90 Box 110  Box 130

Wire Strightner

Wire straighteners are designed to remove any bends, irregularities, and cast memory left from the coil in the material that is being processed. This straightening process ensures that the final product will be consistent and free from defects.

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